I just walked outside and chased a bird from perch to perch hoping it would get in a good position for pictures. Did I mention red winged blackbirds are my favorite kind of bird? I think I did...
Oh well. Here's some of my favorites. I also have one of my dad shaking his underwear-clad ass at me. It is rather odd, but in high definition. I think I'll spare you guys that one...

This one is probably the best pic of a red winged blackbird I could get. They are fast and don't let you get close.

Here is a bird I walked around pissing off to try to get good photo ops.

Here is one I took with "Macro" mode. He is small.

I ambushed my dog, Cody, when I first got it.

And this is Cody's head. He was interested.

This is Angel.

I'm not really sure what this is other than a really big dandelion.

2 комментария:
Sad, I am known best by my gluttony. Oh well, nice to know somebody thought about me.
The rest of you people have some catching up to do! :)
I think of you too, mostly while I am having sex with clowns. lol jk But I do miss having you around not many people seem to appreciate my unique sense of humor.
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