воскресенье, июня 25, 2006


I often catch myself daydreaming during long periods of boredom. The eight hour drive to or from school often leaves me open to think.

Usually my daydreams are horrifically violent, often involving me heroically killing a small army of assailants. Things like, "What would I do if armed gunmen attacked the student center if I were in ."

My most recent one is what I would do if a number of gunmen (terrorists with a bomb, counterstrike-style) attacked Lowes, and I had to defend it using only the resources available to me in my department.

Generally this means using the gardening tools to ambush a lone gunman or small group and scavenge their weapons. "Gardening tools" meaning a variety of axes and sledgehammers, or possibly a fouchard. I wonder what I could do with a rake...

In the end it just makes me wish we had gasoline in my department so I could use a chainsaw (or even the super cool Chainsaw-on-a-stick!).

God I'm bored.

3 комментария:

Marvelous Ape комментирует...

Patrick vs. Random Terrorists

Winner: Patrick in any environment, however Lowes would be quite an interesting battle. You should pitch this idea to fox as a mini series. Aisle 24 anyone?

Gunslinger комментирует...

I want these motherfuckin' terrorists out of this motherfuckin' fashion bath department!

JMJanssen комментирует...

I beat Chrono Trigger!