среда, июля 25, 2007

The Second Amendment

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." -The Constitution of the United States

This is not the right to own guns for hunting. This is not the right to own guns for self defence. This is not the right to own sporting weapons, or collectibles, or anything else where maybe a machine gun might be too much.

This is the right for individual citizens and the collective population to own enough firepower to overthrow the government in case it ever becomes corrupt. I don't see how it can be interpreted any other way without deleting part of the sentence.

Oh, and
THIS is bullshit. It is just a laundry list of crap they felt like adding to the list. Oh no, "military-style" weapons. I mean, wtf? Oh no, a semiautomatic carbine that was made by the Russians, or something that looks like a military gun. They aren't just banning fully automatic weapons, they are banning things that look like them despite the fact that they aren't any more dangerous than their non "military style" weapons. Also, I'm pretty sure they don't get used in crime all that goddamn often. Who has the money to go out and by a fucking reproduction Thompson just to go commit a crime when all it really is is a pistol with a big damn clip. Not that high cap magazines really matter all that much when clips can be changed out so fast anyway... High cap really only mattered when you could also get full auto to back it up. Then some of the things on the list are just nonsensical. Bayonets, for example. WHO HAS EVER COMMITTED A CRIME USING A FUCKING BAYONET! Not to forget those mysterious barrel shrouds or the front grip. Because you know, having a front grip and a pistol grip means you can shoot from the hip, which is the most ineffective way you can fire a gun without jamming it up your own ass. Also, I'm pretty damn sure you can fire *any* gun from the hip, but remember, you are supposed to be afraid of guns, not know any goddamn thing about them. Ban away, remember, you are somehow preventing crime by doing so. ARG! Look out, someone with one of those "black rifles" I've heard about on the news, how can I ever survive! SJKFSAPLHIFOWPEANKLFNSIOPENKLSFIEASNSKSKSSMOOPSHJDOENS


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