понедельник, мая 16, 2005

Some People

Every now and again I troll around onto my friends blogs. It always seems odd to me because they have such meaningful things to write about. Heck, they even have coherent thoughts regularly. I, on the otherhand, ramble incoherently and then write obscene songs... I sing the songs I like to sing.

Anyway, I'm coming to the slow realization that I should have been a dog. Dogs have simpler lives than people do. For some reason the idea of Honesty has been coming up lately. Dogs are most honest. To be a dog means that you can be straightforward and unashamed of all of your intentions to all. Of course, none of your intentions really matter past eating... But you get my point, I hope. In many of my classes I've had to discuss what makes people different from animals... the only thing I've been able to figure out is that people have the damnedest ability to make their lives much more complex than could ever possibly be needed. Why is that? Why do we feel the need to veil our true feelings and emotions in some spiral of bullshit. (Hell, why is it we feel the need to do a lot of things other than eat and screw.)

I largely buy into the caveman theory of humanity. Many social problems and mental problems are caused because we are big stupid cavepeople and we are stuck in this shitty society. When faced with a stressful situation we go through a variety of things that basically render us ready to "fight or flight." In today's society we are rendered unable to do either, and the stresses never get resolved. Eventually we break down. Similar things happen with overeating and some other crap that I can't think of right now because it is three in the morning...

Maybe that is why my posts end up being so incoherent at times...

Anyway, I think there needs to be a lot less people and we need some major goal to put ourselves against as a group to keep our society healthy. Hence Wars tend to be uniting in the long run. Again, we tend to want to divide ourselves back into tribes.

What else should I ramble about?

I think I would have done better acouple hundred or a thousand years ago in Germany...
Maybe as a dog...


1 комментарий:

JMJanssen комментирует...

Our thoughts may be more coherent, but your's are more amusing.