суббота, июля 30, 2005
Did you know that "motherfuckers" spellchecks to "motorbike?"
Today I got fired. Fired is a bit of a harsh word, it was more like "let go" or "downsized" but in my little world fired is fucking fired. I get to work the next two days and that is it. I get all of August to myself. I'm very appreciated and I can always come back next year, but after this shit why would I want to? Next stop, the Radisson.
Interesting day this was. One guy who had left for about a month came back, and nobody likes him. He only got the job because he asked the owner's wife, who is the sweetest lady in the world, and she was happy to give him a job because she didn't know any better. At the same time, the general manager decided that we needed to drop down to three bellmen. Apparently, we are overstaffed... which is why we hired so many people in the first place and worked with that many people for three months... (wtf?) We had five, meaning that work was actually comfortable and there was enough people to do everything. So, we needed to drop two and now a third for the asshole who came back and nobody liked.
They decided to drop the last two kids hired and myself because I was leaving the 15th anyway. I was ok with that really, but I kind of expected that extra paycheck. Oh well. I was more pissed about the fact that they canned the other two guys to hire the asshole and that we only got two days notice. One of them is currently on vacation in Dallas, so he will find out when he comes into work and finds out he doesn't have a job. (I had already scheduled past when he comes back.)
To be quite honest, if they didn't fire me I would have fucking quit to give one of them my job, so that worked out ok. My manager told me who they were letting go very slowly, and told me I was leaving last after saying a lot of meaningless manager babble beforehand. He was scared, I think. But the fact that he is a ass kissing yes man is part of the problem to begin with, he won't stand up for his staff.
Even more baffling is that they did this before the Sturgis Rally... our busiest time of the year when we need the most staff... (wtf? again.)
The owner's wife was in tears because she felt responsible for it. That was sad. She talked to me about it and apologized alot. Basically, nobody bothered to tell her that the guy was an asshole nobody liked, or that we didn't actually need him at all. Oh well. She gave me a hug because she was so sorry.
So now I have all of August to screw around and am going to come up about 600 bucks short of where I thought I would be. Good thing I got that MAP grant.
On the plus side, my friend might quit too out of spite. That would be funny. I actually said it might happen before he even knew about it. That would leave them with two bellmen, and the other might go two because one of the kids they canned is his best friend. That would leave them with the asshole. That would make me laugh.
I thought about just quitting now and not coming in those next two days. But that doesn't really prove anything and just makes everybody else's life more difficult for no reason. So all I really have left is to do my job well and take pride in that. Also, if the asshole owner tells me to do something I get to tell him to fuck himself. (His wife is really nice, he is evil. It makes me sad.)
What also pisses me off is that I don't get a new uniform after all that shit I had to go through to get them. Fuckers.
I guess all I can say is that my staff did a damn fine job, and there was not any of them I'm not proud to have worked with.
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3 комментария:
Man that is fucked up, you sound like a model employee and knowing you like I do your great at your job and a great guy to boot. But theole vanilla gorilla has a plan. You have two options for revenge, we can either work up and old number 6, the 2nd plan is more complicated and requires 2000 gallons of yak semen, 47 feet of rubber hose, 3straight jackets , 3 funnels, and a potato. You pick.
Sounds like time for a trip to the great state of MN.
Amen, Jon, amen...
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