понедельник, августа 01, 2005

Humph... Humph? Humph! ... humph...


Why do I humph you ponder? Well, it is simple really but it is a secret, so you'll have to get reeeeal close so's that I can tell ya.

(I am incredibly, monumentously, and undeniably bored out of my tiny little mind.)

Don't tell anybody, they might think of something for me to do.

Also, I have a problem spellchecking on this thing. Most of this problem is caused by the fact that I make up words, misspell on purpose, and type like I would pronouce the word on occasion. What doesn't help is the fact that the spellchecker it has on here is pretty crappy, so many actual words or names and stuff come up wrong and it won't have a right for it.

Um... humph...


humph humph humph....

Had my last day of work today. It was quick. I pretty much showed up for a bus and got to go after that. It was fairly uneventful. On the fifth I get my paycheck and then I am done with those assholes.

After some light shopping tomorrow I'll have nothing to do but sit around and eat.

Oh, and humph.

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